I read another article yesterday about how so many in the church are overly focused on love and that we aren't accurately representing the judgment of God. It made me sick to my stomach. Maybe its because, for thousands of years it seems, we have been preaching judgment that the love message is so appealing. Maybe we have swung the pendulum in the other direction, but I believe it was about time. The Bible is a love story. It's a manifestation of the Love of God. Its a message of redemption that can only be made possible through an incomprehensible love. The Bible says that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. We weren't qualified for His redemption. Jesus died for us because he loves us, not because we were good enough. Without a sacrifice, Old or New Testament, we would have all died in our sins. Jesus, the innocent one, said I'll fulfill the covenant. I'll be the sacrificial lamb. If Jesus loved us so much to die for us when we were in our sin, how could our message be anything but love. Love melts the hearts of men; judgment hardens their resolve. We sin because we don't know who we are. Sin is the ultimate identity crisis. When we tell people where they're failing it only reinforces that identity crisis. I'm not saying that we don't need to introduce the need for change, I'm simply saying that love is a better motivator than fear.
It's also important for another reason. Jesus didn't just die for our sin, He gave us the Kingdom. When we don't realize our value it's hard to receive the Kingdom. The level of sacrifice reveals the value of the prize. Jesus paid it all. He thought you were worth it. Makes religious people cringe because religion tries to create it's own redemption. You're not an orphan you're part of the family; a son or daughter of the king. You have access to the kingdom realm as heir of the King. If I know that, then I can receive all that comes with that inheritance. We have been given His Spirit as a downpayment to that inheritance and that also comes with a promise. In John 3:34 it says that Jesus gives us the Spirit without measure. I've heard many people say that this scripture is about Jesus and that it isn't for us. I would beg to differ. He whom God has sent (Jesus) speaks the words of God; For He (Jesus) gives the spirit without measure. If it was just for Jesus then who does He give the Spirit to? I think we need to stop thinking we are pathetic, barely worthy, hardly going to make it sinners and realize that available to us is the glorious inheritance of the saints. Then we will know what it's like to experience His Spirit without measure.