I was lost, not knowing where I was going or where I was coming from. He found me, I'm pretty sure at least, some have told me that I found him but that doesn't feel true because I wasn't really looking for Him. He loved me, He loved me, He loved me, He loves me, He loves me, He loves me and it has and will forever change me. There has never been a greater motivating force in my life. His love is so great it transformed from a sinner to saint, from a slave to a son, from someone who judged everyone and everything to someone who sees that reconciliation is not counting other's trespasses against them. He welcomed me with grace, I can't reject others by their works. He gave me a reason to live. He showed me the way, in fact He demonstrated it for me. He became like me so I could become like Him. It has marked me deeply. I feel indebted to Him but not because I feel like I owe him some grand gesture of sacrifice, I couldn't repay what He did for me if I lived a thousand lifetimes. What I do owe is an expression of the love that He invested in me. The world that He died for deserves the revelation of the love that motivated Him to die for them. Yes, He died for them. He died for sinners. He died for those who didn't deserve this amazing, awe inspiring, incredibly sacrificial love. He died for all of us, and when he rose He did so with a purpose. He released love to conquer every fear, He released freedom to destroy everything that keeps us bound. What amazing news. It feels so free to be in the business of reconciliation, love inspires people to greatness while fear paralyzes people to insanity (doing things over and over again and expecting different results.) You can threaten people with judgment but you can't threaten them with Love.
Thank you Jesus for finding me, thank you for choosing me. It is my honor to see your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
That's the view from Here...