Community is an amazing concept. People coming together with common interest serving one another to better their environment, or something like that. Sounds like a great plan. Community can be life giving, empowering and relationally fulfilling. Community can also be hurtful, polarizing and relationally destructive. So how do we create a healthy community? While I don't have a definitive answer for that, I do have a few ideas. In Mark 4:25 Jesus said, "for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever doesn't have, even what he has shall be taken away from him." That's a cheery verse eh? I think there are some keys in this scripture that we need to see.
Key #1 I am responsible for me. I am responsible for what has been invested in me. I am responsible for my choices. I can't place the responsibility I have for myself on anyone else. If I do, I immediately become a victim.
Key #2 I have something to give. Because I am responsible for me, I have the ability to invest my gift in community. I benefit from community by bringing my gift and enjoying the gifts that others bring to the table. I don't control what they bring, but I do control what I bring. When I withhold my gift, I have made the choice to disconnect.
Key #3 There's a difference between contributing and giving. While I realize this may be semantics, many people wish to contribute to community because they want to be recognized or it makes them feel better about themselves. To me the difference between making a contribution and giving is that, unlike contributing, giving doesn't need recognition. When we give we do so because Jesus first gave to us. It isn't because we are so generous, it's because it is who we are. Jesus didn't give because we deserved it, He gave because it is who He is.
Key #4 Using your gift allows you to develop more. In the kingdom, wealth isn't measured by how much you have, but by how much you give away. This isn't a self serving statement. It was the point Jesus was making in Mark 4:25. If you invest your gifts they will grow, if you don't you will lose even what you have. Which brings me to the myth of community....
The Myth of community is that community is where I get all of my needs met. There is a sense of entitlement in this myth. It is the responsibility of people in the community to care for me and look out for me. While this does happen in community, when our expectation is that community is about others meeting my needs, I will withhold my gifts until they do. I will withhold my love until others show me love. Community isn't primarily about what you get, its about what you give. How will you contribute? How will you become a positive influence in your community? As you invest your gift you will see others around you grow and your influence will grow. Let's destroy entitlement and embrace the heart of a servant. It worked for Jesus, It should work for us.
That's the View from Here