Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Performance Trap

All of us want to do well.  We all want to be successful, not only in our eyes but in the eyes of others as well.  Shakespeare wasn't too far from the truth when he said that "all the world's a stage".  There is nothing wrong with wanting to do something with excellence and receiving kudos for a job well done.  However, there are days when our performance isn't appreciated.  When others don't notice what we have worked so hard to accomplish.  Sometimes they are even jealous of our success.  Even worse they judge our intentions.  This is the trap.  A wise person once said "don't live by the praises of men and you won't die by their criticisms."  Even Jesus didn't put too much stock in whether or not people liked Him.  I'm sure He knew that they could love Him one moment and be ready to kill Him the next...literally.  King David knew this too.  After investing his time and energy in a group of misfits they were ready to kill him when something went wrong.  So, do we not perform?  I think the answer isn't in whether or not to perform but in who we are performing for.  Every day I want to be the best at what I do, but that is so subjective if I leave myself open to be analyzed by others.  Ok, so don't perform for others...check.  So do I perform for God?  What does He think of my abilities?  I think like any proud Father He loves watching His kids try.  He loves us whether we're winning or losing.  Whether we've succeeded or failed.  He just flat out loves us and it is really unnecessary to perform Him; He much prefers you just be yourself.  That's why He encourages us to worship Him in Spirit and Truth (By being real).  So who are we performing for then?  At the end of the day, I think, we should be able to look ourselves in the mirror and be satisfied with the effort we've given.  If I can be satisfied with my performance that's really all that matters.  Before I go too much further let me add a little disclaimer.  If I'm doing a terrible job at work and I'm still satisfied with my effort; I may need to develop some better self-awareness.  I'm fairly confident that life and the lack of a steady income will teach that lesson.  What I'm going after is our overdeveloped need for people's approval.  If you have done the best that you possibly could, then give yourself a pat on the back.  Draw strength and confidence in who you are becoming.  Every day that you move forward is a day forward toward accomplishing your goals.  Every day that you put forth your best performance you develop new skills and new confidence and you become a better you. Go for it!  That's the View from Here....

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